Scroogeport is a heartwarming and humorous Downeast retelling of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, set against the salt-soaked backdrop of coastal Maine. In this unique adaptation, Ebenezer Lynch is reimagined as a crusty world-weary miser, whose cynicism and disregard for community is challenged by a ghostly trio of spirits. With the raw charm of Maine's fishing villages and a cast of colorful characters, Scroogeport brings a fresh, local twist to the timeless tale of redemption, showing that even the toughest hearts can thaw when touched by the magic of Christmas. Rich in laughter, tradition, and the spirit of giving, Scroogeport reminds us all that it’s never too late to change, no matter where you're from.
Directed and written by Daniel Reynolds
Painting by Lana Quann, The Wandering Brush